Training Courses

Training Courses

Let me ask you a question

Have you ever attended a training and within the first 5 minutes asked yourself why am I wasting my time? This instructor is a robot who doesn’t care if I actually learn anything, they just want to get it over with. I have, many times, which is why when I built this company I formed it around the concept of retention. If you don’t walk away from one of our classes better informed and excited about the topic then we have failed you, and our goal is to never fail a student. We take the real-world approach to training. In the field of emergency response and leadership we have taken a wealth of experience and translated it into what you really need to know. Were not going to sugar coat it, if it’s hard we'll tell you it’s hard and give you the tools to work through it. We understand that your time is valuable because ours is too, and therefore we will provide a training experience that meets your needs and won’t waste your time. We look forward to working with you in the future.

Kipp Sanders


In the world of emergency response there are two types of learners. Those who learn best by watching and listening, and those who need the hands-on experience to solidify what is being taught. Ready Response Training, LLC. understands this philosophy and strives with every on-site course to meet the expectations of the client and most importantly the student. Our courses are crafted with decades of experience in what we are teaching so they will prepare you for dealing with real world problems. Give us a try and let us help you with your training needs.

On Site Training Courses

Online Courses

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